Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Heaven on earth?

Life is good right now. I have four new pairs of shoes. One of which is exactly like my favorite pair of red heels, but they are flats. DSW Shoes is heaven on earth. Its a good thing there is not one near me...I'd be broke. :) It was slightly depressing to see all those amazing heels and not be able to wear them. So I found other shoes that made me happy. I got a pair of Merrels, a pair of Born's, and a pair of "fashion sneakers". I cannot wait to wear the right and left one.

On to the important stuff...my ankle appointment. I had my first Post-Op appointment today. I am happy to say that it went very well. Leaving the stitches in for three weeks made it quite the chore to get them out, but after a little bit of tugging and pulling the stitches eventually came out of my skin. This incision will not be pretty at all. Its about two inches long and on the outside of my ankle.

Five more weeks with the boot. Thats good because I would not have wanted to do something crazy, like wear my right and left shoe on the same day. I can work on getting back range of motion with plantar flexion and dorsiflexion. (for those who are not dorky like me...moving my toes up and down.) No side to side movement for another 5 weeks. No bike, or activity more demanding than a bike for 5 weeks. I can lift upper body, do core workouts, and even a little yoga as long as I do not balance on my right foot. And I can start to do light swimming in about two weeks...if I use my upper body mostly.

I want this all to be over now. Actually, I wanted it all to be over ten years ago. But, this is not going to be a pity party at all. The good news is that I have a lot less pain than before surgery...almost none really. When I flexed my foot today my tendon did not snap. So, things are heading in the right direction and that is encouraging.

Bedtime. Work tomorrow. And the dogs are getting into something which I should probably check on...

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